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Notes on the consolidated statement of financial position

In the first half of the business year 2019/20, depreciation totaling EUR 436.0 million was less than actual investments in the amount of EUR 336.2 million. The first-time application of IFRS 16 increased property, plant and equipment by EUR 436.4 million. This and positive currency translation effects of EUR 24.4 million essentially led to an increase in non-current assets from EUR 8,895.8 million to EUR 9,290.6 million. Due primarily to an operational increase in inventories (see Consolidated Cash Flow Statement), compared to March 31, 2019, the carrying amount of the inventories as of the reporting date rose by EUR 150.6 million.

As of September 30, 2019, voestalpine AG’s share capital was EUR 324,391,840.99 (March 31, 2019: EUR 324,391,840.99) and was divided into 178,549,163 shares (March 31, 2019: 178,549,163). The company held 28,597 of its treasury shares as of the reporting date. In the first half of the business year 2019/20, the company neither bought nor sold any treasury shares.

On September 9, 2019, the Management Board of voestalpine AG resolved to redeem the EUR 500.0 million hybrid bond issued in 2013 in full pursuant to Section 5 (2) of the Bond Conditions effective as of the bond’s first possible call date, specifically, October 31, 2019. In the Q2 Report as of September 30, 2019, the hybrid bond thus is recognized as debt capital in current financial liabilities. This leads to a reduction in equity by EUR 500.0 million. A total of EUR 1.8 million in accrued interest are recognized as finance costs in the income statement for the period from September 9, 2019, to September 30, 2019.

Due primarily to changes in the actuarial result (negative), the profit after tax of EUR 115.2 million was reduced to total comprehensive income of EUR 0.8 million. This decreased equity to EUR 5,994.7 million, including the dividend distribution and the reclassification of the hybrid bond. For the business year 2018/19, a dividend per share of EUR 1.10 was decided upon at the Annual General Meeting on July 3, 2019. Therefore, voestalpine AG has distributed dividends of EUR 196.3 million to its shareholders in the current business year.

In the current business year, the adjustment of the discount rate from 1.5% as of March 31, 2019, to 0.8% as of September 30, 2019, resulted in an increase overall in the provisions for pension and severance obligations and consequently in an actuarial loss of EUR –95.7 million (after deferred taxes) recognized in the other comprehensive income. This also resulted in an (expensed) increase of EUR 15.8 million in the provisions for long-service bonus obligations (after deferred taxes of EUR 11.8 million).

About voestalpine

In its business segments, voestalpine is a globally leading technology group with a unique combination of materials and processing expertise. With its top-quality products and system solutions using steel and other metals, it is a leading partner of the automotive and consumer goods industries as well as of the aerospace and oil & gas industries. voestalpine is also the world market leader in complete railway systems as well as in tool steel and special sections.


50 Countries on all 5 continents
500 Group companies and locations
52,000 Employees worldwide

Earnings FY 2018/19

€ 13.6 Billion


€ 1.6 Billion


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